She got a bit gooney by the end of the night. She also got a kazoo in her Christmas Cracker, allowing for a noisier goon.

She got a very suiting eye patch in her Christmas Cracker, as she's still recovering from our neighbor's 7-year-old's golf club swing to the face. (It was an accident. She very sweetly gave her a get-well-soon present.)

All bundled up and ready to go to Grandma's house.

The girls liked their rag doll bunnies.

Eric made sock puppets for the girls.

Dad's tradition. We didn't have a Christmas train, we have an old race car track - the kind that cars fly off from if they get going too fast.

Meesha isn't too sure what to think of the race cars.

Christmas Day was so much fun. The girls woke up before the sun came up. Uggh! They were irresistibly cute and excited when opening their Christmas presents. We had a cheddar egg souffle for breakfast and took a nap. My in-laws, Alan and Kathie came by for a bit to exchange gifts and their visit was a pleasant and quiet one. My dad called from Baghdad. I was so glad to hear from him. Everyone has been missing him terribly. We moseyed on over to Jen's for dinner sometime around 6ish. She made the very best roast ever (lovingly referred to as "roast beastie" around here). It was such a fun visit. About 2 pieces of pie later, (and an hour past the girls' bedtime) craziness began to ensue and we bade our farewells. All-in-all a truly wonderful Christmas.